A comment on grid based systems. They are all martingale systems and ultimately they all blow up. It is just a matter of time. And they lack the key ingredient - an edge. If you cannot make a single lot system profitable, grid systems will just put...
Good comments. I thought the following line was rather hilarious:
We let it start with an account of &10 000 And within 3 days it had turned that $10 000 into just under $17 000. (Anyway this does not look like extremely safe trades ;))
It appears this type of strategy needs to be constantly reoptimized:
"Yes only for 1 hour euro. The genetic weights are only made for euro. It should stay in tune for about 8 weeks"
Yes I looked at this code on FF. Any idea how the m1, m2, m3, and m4 values are computed? The thread says:
"i just happened to work it out myself but anyways its good to compare. Yes the model is built using python script running under...