I think it is just a fancy tool unless you define simple rules and test them in an EA. Then you will have some idea if it is worth or not.
I think most of the forums are creating bad habits (making them loosing money) by convincing people that what they see is real. Most of the time it is not.
So you see a good looking idea, the right approach is to see, yeat it is coll, let formalize the rules, code them and test them.
This is one way of doing things another way is to focus on global macroeconomic issues and see if your statistical tools confirm the analysis.
It is complicated because people mix: Digital signal proceccings, then they mix it up with statistics, then comes the practical implementations necessitating coding skills. And last but not least data mining.
Those are completely different fields of knowledge and quite a few are good in everything. So there are more amateurs than you can think even among professionals, who do not even know that they are amateurs.
Or it is just lazy Fridey afternoon monologue LOL.
You can check also this discussion.