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Results for "elliott wave"


  • Weekly EUR/USD analysis 21-25

    ...ish bias in the market opening the way to a deep decline or wider oscillating patterns. Elementary Elliott wave count: We see 5 very well formed waves from 14.11.2012. Even if you may not follow Elliott waves an abvious pattern s...

    4392 days ago

  • Neely River Theory

    ...you have subscribed to the NEoWave Trading service for a long-time,...edicting” markets using wave theory. Because of the detail...market high, I knew (based on wave structure) the S&P was en...NEoWave concepts in Mastering Elliott Wave, I knew this meant wa...

    4673 days ago

  • +6 more Blogs


  • Katy Lien Eur/Usd analysis video

    ...or placing the exit stops.   От elliot waves  My comment is that...d also some more exotic ways of technical analysis as the Elliott waves for example. Here is a screen shot of an Elliott wave analysis with simplif...

    4434 days ago


  • Elliot wave indicator

    Take a look at this new Elliott Wave indicator from Cristina Ciuera the best trader of the 2011. http://www.scientificforex.com/elliotwave.php    

    4607 days ago

  • Stable and Quiet Market state

    ...t this is the simplest classification of the market states (all the Elliott wave theory is an elaborate classification of market states, the Neely extension of the Elliott wave is the most elaborate form of...

    4743 days ago

  • +1 more Files

Top-level pages

  • The Elliott test

    ...annot be exluded aswell. The Elliott waves principle was created in order...publications. The classical Elliottists either continue to apply...s are not conclusive e.g. Neo Waves. What you can do as a trader i...ee now the limitations of the Elliott theory in the modern marke...

    3961 days ago

  • Chart patterns or Chaos attractors?

    ...s arguable if they are a part of the technical analysis. maybe the Elliott Wave Sequence may be close, but I am...ractors: are not part of the technical analysis. Of course the Elliott wave theoreticians claim that they...

    4799 days ago

  • +2 more Top-level pages


  • Mind of Money Interview with Robert Prechter

    ...rney Douglass Lodmell interviews Elliott Wave Theorist, Robert Prechter. In th...predicted in his first book "The Elliott Wave Principal". They also discuss...s interview with a master of the waves. Bob also graciously gave Mi...s most recent Video Issue of the Elliott Wave Theorist which is an...

    4837 days ago


  • Elliottware: machine learning extension of Elliott Wave principle

    Elliottware: machine learning extension of Elliott Wave principle

    This is a new approach to the Elliott Wave principle. I call it ElliotWare because I hav...L. Well, it is about a combination between Elliott Wave principle and machine learnin...The idea is straightforward. In fact the Elliott Wave principle offers a very good...

    4886 days ago
