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Results for "ivar"



  • Fractal scalper (available only for logged in users)

    ...are interested what was going on the two bars before (a3) and one bar before (a4). Those values needed to be below an iVAR treshhold in order to take the signal. Here I use the iVAR (because I was told that it w...

    1751 days ago

  • Fractal Dimension

    Here I would like to add the link to the blog of Jean-Philippe. On this page is discussed the fractal dimension indicator. The article about iVAR is here. I think I will upload it as a separate file. 

    4774 days ago


Discussion topics


  • Fractal dimension patterns

    ...s with the volatility. Usually we expect a break - out during the open of the European Session and the US session2. Use of fractal indicators FGDI, IVAR, FDIWe use a fractal dimensio...

    4793 days ago

  • Phase Space Singularities

    ...ate (one guy think it is oversold, the other it is overbought, one guy has long term horizon the other has short term).And if FGDI (FDI) is in red (iVAR below 0.5) at both 15 and 30...

    4249 days ago

Top-level pages

Wire posts

  • I think I forgot to make spinal implant with pure entropy instead of iVAR. Spinal is quite good at the moment.

    4430 days ago

  • Something is lacking here for this forum, this is a EA squeletton with the Betathespread specificities (iVAR...). I am going to solve this

    4577 days ago

  • +1 more Wire posts


  • This is for those iVAR or fractal dimension guys here

    hI, Guys, I have been examiming at the iVAR indicator for some time now and I seriously have some doubts regarding its eficacy in accurately detecting the trend of the market . Attched below is a screenshot which I just pulled out from my MT4 clearly showing a flat market. But looking that the ...

    Tags: ivar, fractal dimension

    3771 days ago
