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Results for "ivar"


  • Fractal scalper (available only for logged in users)

    От 08 ноември 2011   This is the fractal scalper I was talking about. It is from the same family as the Entropy scalper but here we are using the fractal dimension of the time series to decide to enter or not in a trade. Basic principle: detecting pockets of predictabili...

    Tags: fractal dimension, ivar, fgdi, fdi, ea, scalper

    1689 days ago

  • Fractal Dimension

    Here I would like to add the link to the blog of Jean-Philippe. On this page is discussed the fractal dimension indicator. The article about iVAR is here. I think I will upload it as a separate file. 

    Tags: fractal dimension, ivar, fgdi, fdi

    4711 days ago