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Results for "market state analysis"


  • Shortcut to Discovery Computerized Trading System Development and Modeling by Mark Brown

    This is a very interesting presentation about system trading and development. The theory of the switches between market states. However he distinguishes just two major market states. So his idea is that there should be an algorythm to switch between the market states: If such and such then sw...

    Tags: market state analysis

    4689 days ago

  • Oversold levels and open orders

    On this example we see how below the level 1.3000 practically there is not any accumulation of Open orders. In this case we could say that the market is oversold. However as in theory the accumulation of open orders does not track the smart money but only the uninformed traders, any break - out ...

    Tags: open orders, accumulation, overbought, oversold, Oanda, order flow analysis, market state analysis, order flow levels

    4720 days ago

  • Stable and Quiet Market state

    Here is the Stable and Quiet market state. We can have a general consideration of this market state and how it evolves. I think that this is the simplest classification of the market states (all the Elliott wave theory is an elaborate classification of market states, the Neely extension of the E...

    Tags: market state analysis, order flow analysis, Oanda, open orders

    4726 days ago

  • Market States and Neural Net trading signals

    The analyse of the market state can ve used to select the training range for the Neural Nets. One of the concepts is to incluse different kind of market states and to try to generalize a solution. That we would do in the Elliotware approach we would select an Elliot wave pattern that would serve...

    Tags: neural net, elliotware, elliot wave, neuroshell, market state, market state analysis, machine learning

    4731 days ago

  • The four fundamental market states

    Here on this picture you can see the four fundamental market states.  As the market has a fractal nature you can see the market states within the market states.  More on this analysis you can read here.  

    Tags: market state analysis

    4733 days ago

  • Market State Analysis and System Trading

    The difference between Elliotware and the Market States Analysis The market state analysis is different from the Elliotware analysis. In the Elliotware we try to determine a constant market structure otpimize on that structure and hope that the solution we have will work out of sample. I have ...

    Tags: market state analysis, elliotware, expert, ea, brain trend

    4780 days ago

  • Modern technical analysis or does the Dow Theory still holds?

    I whave been thinnking lately about the technical analysis in general. I mean thinking about the very foundation of the technical analysis the Dow Theory. For those who are not really familiar with the Dow theory I suggest the Wikipedia link. I write this because I had some very deep doubts ab...

    Tags: dow theory, market state analysis

    4787 days ago

  • Neural Networks: Myths and Reality

    This is a nice article, I think the Myth 5 is very interesting to read. That is why I think the Eliotware approach is interesting. At least it helped me to make those neural nets softwares work out of sample. This is to read together with the market state analysis. When I fail at least I know why...

    Tags: neural net, market state analysis

    4799 days ago

  • Markets states by Jason Fielder

    Here I would like to share another view of classification of the markets by Jason Fielder. It is different and more simple than the more complex classification of Curtis Faith (I am not talking about the fractal extention of the theory together with the fractal dimension analysis). Here we hav...

    Tags: market state analysis

    4805 days ago

  • Market State Analysis

    От 21 октомври 2011 Here I would like to show an example of the multidimensional market state analysis. I use 5 m time on EURUSD. The methodologiy of Curtis Faith is explained here. It appears like the perfect trend but inside it we can find some different market states.&...

    Tags: market state analysis

    4814 days ago

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