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Results for "mt4"


  • Running a MT4 client workstation

    Hi All I am watching strange things about the behaviour of a MT4 station on my VPS (Virtual Private Station). I am connencdt on this VPS with RPC (MSTSC windows function) the context is :  I am currently testing the EA squeletton with the VGC kernel, I just wrote, on a demo account. For t...

    Tags: mt4

    4347 days ago

  • MT4 + C# + MongoDB + ENCOG EA

    Ok, so I have the communication working between MT4 and VS (c#). This gives me the ability to store info into MongoDB (a nosql database).  There is a free C# library for Encog (NN library).  Has anyone successfully combined Encog with MT4 and shown sucess?

    Tags: mt4, c#, encog

    4519 days ago

  • 3rd Generation MA's: a new approach

    Recently I read an interested scientific publication of M. Dürschner (2011) presenting a novel type of MA, take a closer look. Worth a whileand feel free to comment. http://www.scientific-trading.com/avg3g.php http://www.vtad.de/ Tomek

    Tags: indicator, ma, 3rd gneration ma, mt4

    4824 days ago

  • Expert advisers and Elliott waves: Elliotware approach

    Her I just want to mention that in another blogpost I used BPNN family of neural nets to make market predictions. However the same idea apply not only to neural nets but also with the optimization process in Metatrader. So as the pricniple is the same how that can be implemented in practice. It...

    Tags: optmization, expert, mt4, elliotware

    4814 days ago